We are passionate about leading people to Christ, equipping them, and nurturing them to become disciples who are burdened to lovingly share the Three Angel’s Messages.
Equip & empower 200 lay leaders as key mission drivers.
Increase tithes and offerings ensuring a solid ministry and missions base.
Plant 50 churches by identifying areas and coordinating efforts.
Lovingly disciple members, by actively and holistically engaging them.
Give at least 5 000 full series bible studies to prepare disciples of Christ.
Establish 150 weekly relational small groups to promote growth.

2. Education
We believe in the restoration of God’s image in mankind through education, and are committed to run quality schools that are financially viable.
Increase enrollment by 10% year on year based on school excellence.
Efficient fee collection, initially aimed at 90% per year.
Retain 95% of staff through effective retention systems.

3. Digitalisation
We believe in embracing technology, in line with shifts in society, for effectiveness, efficiency, cost saving, better service, accountability, and retaining corporate intelligence; all for the purpose of enhancing mission.
Maintain a Communications position responsible for digitalisation.
Create a centralised hub for weekly worship services.
Digitalise all NCSA departments and entities.