The influence that an educator has over our children is never to be underestimated. This does give our educators an influence for good over our children that is sadly missed when we send our children to other schools. If non-S.D.A. parents see the advantage in our schools and want to send their children here, what are we missing? The percentage of S.D.A. learners who are at our schools indicates that there is a lack of support for our schools among our own constituency. this has the advantage that we have this wonderful opportunity to evangelize, but why are we missing out? We all remember that our children come to us, saying, “But the teacher says…” If we would but support our schools, we would reap the long-term benefits that research shows to be for their good in reaching our shared spiritual goals.
Patterson Park Primary
Paterson Park Primary School is a Seventh-day Adventist primary school located in Orange Grove, Johannesburg. It was established in 1932 as the Johannesburg SDA Church School. In 1953 the school moved to Orange Grove and became known as Patterson Park School.
3 Tenth Street, Orange Grove, Johannesburg
Tel.: 011 640 4126
Presda Primary
Presda Primary School is an independent school operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in South Africa. The purpose of the schoolis to offer a distinctive type of education that is in line with the educatinal philosophy of the church.
Plot 91, Saints Street, Zwavelpoort, Pretoria
Tel.: 012 996 1629
Sedhaven Primary
Sedhaven Primary School is an independent school operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in South Africa. The purpose of the schoolis to offer a distinctive type of education that is in line with the educatinal philosophy of the church.
Sedhaven Road, Boschoek Farm, Heidelberg
Tel.: 016 342 0621
Sedhaven High
Presda Primary School is an Adventist Christian school with an epic mission, to prepare young people for responsible citizenship in this world and the world to come. The purpose of the school is to offer a distinctive type of education that is in line with the educational ideals of the Seventh-day Adventist church.
Sedhaven Estate, R42 Wereeniging Rd, Heidelberg
Tel.: 016 342 0501/2
Sedhaven High
We provide a warm, caring environment where all children can learn to relate positively to each other, staff and other adults. We recognise the uniqueness of each individual; and because we accept the Bible as the Word of God, we desire to follow the counsel in it by offering our students a programme that strives to balance among the spiritual, intellectual, physical and social aspects of life.
44-45, 3rd Avenue, Westrdene
Tel.: 011 673 3835